AYON CyberSecurity Inc. (ACS), a subsidiary of Video Display Corporation, is an advanced technology company…
that specializes in protection of sensitive or classified data, as well as survivable hardware. We are a leading provider of Hardware Modified COTS Equipment (TEMPEST) , certified to NSA standards in our in-house test facility. The company offers a wide variety of TEMPEST computer and data processing systems, including laptop and desktop computers, monitors, printers, thin and zero clients, gigabit routers and switches, card readers, and VOIP telephones.
ACS Hardware Modified COTS Equipment (TEMPEST) products ensure, “Last 6 feet of Cyber Security.” Even in encrypted network environments, data must ultimately be decrypted in order to be read by people. It is this point of vulnerability against which ACS products protect: “the guy in the parking lot or the office next door”, attempting to intercept your sensitive data.
ACS also possesses, in addition to Electro Mechanical product manufacturing and TEMPEST certification capabilities, a full service on-premises machine shop.
In addition to our line of “off-the-shelf” products and systems, ACS designs, certifies and manufactures custom products for a variety of customers. Our senior level world class product engineering staff and manufacturing capability allow the company to turn around designs, prototypes, and manufactured systems very quickly, dramatically reducing product development schedules. Our fully-equipped TEMPEST test facility offers a complete range of test options for contract clients as well, providing a rapid-turnaround, low-cost option for certification of products designed and produced by our clients.
ACS is also a leading provider of hardened systems built to withstand and survive extreme environmental conditions. These systems are designed and tested to meet MIL-STD-810 and DO-160 in order to resist even the harshest conditions aboard aircraft, ship and in other real world situations. The company has designed, manufactured, and shipped a large volume of airborne-qualified computer and network equipment as well as high capability power assurance systems for military aircraft. AYON CyberSecurity would be happy to discuss your needs and requirements. For more information and to discuss specific capabilities and requirements, please CLICK HERE to Contact Sales.